White Stone Christian Ministries - The Prophetic Word White Stone Prophetic Word
James Trivette 4.19.2012



What’s the Point?


It is time to find the point of your life.  That which is sharp and can penetrate this world.  That which can make a way forward.  For as a sword has a sharp edge to cut, so it must also have a sharp point to penetrate.  What is the point of your life?  Seek Me and I will reveal it to you.  For it is time to focus you ministry and penetrate the resistance of the enemy.  You must not die pinned down in the valley of fear and doubt.   For your victory lies on the other side of the battle line.  But to reach it you must hone the point with preparation and prayer.  You must temper and harden it with faith.  Then thrust forward through the fear and doubt.  I have prepared the victory for you, but you must claim it.


(remember to always point the sharp end toward the enemy)


Philippians 3:12-14

Not that I have already obtained {it}  or have already become perfect, but I press on in order that I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus.  Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of {it} yet; but one thing {I do}  forgetting what {lies} behind and reaching forward to what {lies} ahead,  I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.




This prophetic word is an exhortation and even a warning that God is saying that it is time to move forward in your calling.  The severity is highlighted by the exhortation that “You must not die pinned down in the valley of fear and doubt”.  This paints a picture of the enemy keeping you pinned down while he surrounds you and kills you.  On D-Day at Omaha beach, the soldiers were pinned down on the beach and realized they would die if they stayed on the beach much longer.  So they found the weak place in the sea wall and concentrated their attack on that point and broke through to escape the beach and take their objective inland. 


Following their example we need to focus our ministry efforts on the specific calling that God has called you too.  Then we must sharpen and focus our ministry efforts to breakthrough to a larger field of ministry and out of your present circle of ministry.  God says that he has prepared the way, but we must seize the day. 


One final thought was included that we should “remember to always point the sharp end toward the enemy”.  The prophetic word identifies the enemy as fear and doubt, but I would not limit the enemy, for each of us has our giant that will stand in the way.  Bur clearly we should not find ourselves attacking and battling other Christians.



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